Name Martin CAREY
Birth1800, Drumclogher, Cappamore
ChildrenMartin (1842-1927)
 Bridget (1828-1939)
 Mary (1826-1901)
 James (1825-1876)
 John (1829-1903)
 Jermiah (1837-1906)
 Thomas (1824-1866)
 Michael (1832-)
 Patrick (1836-1916)
  Margaret (1839-)
Notes for Martin CAREY
Rented land of c1000 acres ( only c80 was suitable for Farming rest was forested mountain land) from Lord Cloncurry in the Townsland of Forkeala, in the Parish of Murroe and Boher.Evicted from the property in December 1850 for non-payment of back rent.
Martin and other famuly and friends attached the propery of the repacement Tenant Daniel Murphy on the night of 18 July 1851. The newspaper article relating to the arrest dated 4th March 1852 names 7 arrests: Thomas Carey (Martin), James Carey (Sim), James Carey (Shuck) , Jermiah Carey, Michael Carey (Mick), Michael Ryan and Thomas Ryan. They were sentanced to br transported for 10 years which meant going to Australia.
They never went to Australia but spent 7 years in various Irish Prisons.
Last Modified 19 Oct 2017Created 24 Feb 2018 using Reunion for Macintosh